Ben Westhoff


Speaking in Mexico City

Benjamin Westhoff

I spoke at a book festival in Mexico City this weekend, and it was a blast. A diplomatic organization called Instituto Matías Romero brought me out, at the behest of Mexican foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, who enjoyed Fentanyl, Inc. You can see the Spanish language version of the book in the photo above, called La fiesta se acabó, though my presentation was in English. (Sorry Senorita Tellería!) I spoke to budding diplomats about my undercover infiltration of Chinese fentanyl operations, and about the China-Mexico-US synthetic drug pipeline. Before I left on this trip, everyone warned me to be careful about the cartels, but they don’t have great influence in Mexico City. In any case, I could hardly recommend the place more; great vegan food!

Here’s more information about my speaking engagements; I’ve been presenting at summits, conferences, and other events across the country this year, so please reach out if you’re interested.